All in Parenting All Ages

Shift Focus: 7 Day Quest

As parents, our focus can all too often be on our child’s undesirable behaviour, but if we are able to step back from time to time and use our photographer’s eye, we can focus on what’s useful in the moment.

This series of questions is aimed at helping you consider the view of parenting and your child through multiple lenses.

How To Put Yourself First - Because You're Worth It!

You might be wondering how on earth you can find time to put yourself first with everything there is to be done, especially if you have a family to look after. It may even feel like a selfish thing to do, but the truth is, finding time for self-care and prioritising your health and well-being benefits not just you, but your whole family.

So, what is self-care and how do we make it happen? The self-care I’m talking about is looking after ourselves from the inside out.

Letting Go of Guilt

After becoming a parent, however, guilt takes on a whole new intensity. Both mums and dads feel it, but it seems to latch onto mums. As the guilt is about the same person – your child – every single time, it has the capacity to grow exponentially, but there are ways to halt guilt’s march so read on…

These Trucks - Read to Feel Better!

Oh my goodness half of me wants to throw them away and the other half might keep them forever. Here's why...

My son got these years ago and we decided to make them in the holidays. He mixed the plaster of Paris, put them in the mould, tapped the bubbles out, they set, we took them out - that was fun and the powder, liquid, solid bit was educational too. So far so good..