Frequently Asked Questions

Find an answer to your question or contact me.


How long are the sessions?

Individual sessions are usually 60 minutes. Individual sessions are ideally two weeks apart. Group coaching sessions depend on the subject but are usually 2 hours held every week for up to 6 weeks.

Where will the coaching take place?

I coach face-to-face at my home in South East London, a 5-minute walk from Hither Green Station. I also coach anywhere in the world via Zoom. I am able to travel within central or SE London for workplace coaching.

When does coaching take place?

I work face-to-face or via Zoom call Monday to Friday, 10 am to 3 pm and, Monday to Thursday evenings, 6:30 pm to 9 pm & Saturday Mornings, 10 am to 12 pm, via Skype or Zoom only. School holiday coaching hours still happen but are limited to work around family time.

What is the cost?

Packages are either four or six 1 hour sessions, depending on the challenge. I recommend at least four sessions, as it takes time to learn, experiment, tweak and grow. 4 sessions are £240 and 6 sessions are £360. Single Re-ignite sessions are £60/hour. Couples sessions are £80/hour or £320 for 4 or £480 for 6.

Can I bring my child?

Uninterrupted thinking time will make the sessions more effective, so if possible, attend without your child. If this isn’t possible - that’s ok, too; we’ll work around it! (If you would like to team up with a friend and do child-care swaps to allow you both to have coaching, I offer a 20% discount on your sessions - please just ask!)

What if I purchase a package and want to quit?

Sometimes this work feels hard, and when faced with what it might take to change, we think it’s more comfortable to settle with how we are now. If you feel like quitting, you won’t be the first, but my clients know that sticking with it, even when it’s hard will bring you the change you want. We’ll explore what’s making you feel this way and what will help you to recommit, but if you still want to stop, I’ll refund you for your unused sessions.