Toddler Portion Sizes
Parents routinely put too much food on children's plates and then worry that they are not eating enough when it isn't all gobbled up. According to a survey by the Infant and Toddler Forum, 79% of parents are piling the plates too high. I was in that number, and it caused a lot of unnecessary stress.
An example of a main meal might include:
1/4 of a tomato, 1/2 tablespoon of peas, 2 potato wedges, 1/2 a boiled egg, & 2 tablespoons of rice pudding.
It's too late for me to review toddler portion sizes, but it might be just the thing you need to make meal times more joyful! Take a look at the infant and toddler forum information:
It is also important to note that children's appetites fluctuate like ours. One morning, they might wake up and eat two breakfasts; the next day, they take two spoons and feel satisfied. To reduce stress, look at food intake over a week rather than daily.
Various factors influence your child's appetite, such as exercise, natural metabolism, health, and emotions. While it's tempting to try and control their intake, guiding them in listening to their body's cues is more beneficial. This approach can foster a healthier relationship with food.
If you are struggling with fussy eating, you can download the top tips from Raising Adventurous Eaters - my collaboration with Josephine Fernando, founder of Diddy Diners - a nutritional coach and qualified educator.